- This article presents a composite video signal sampling system based on CPLD. 介绍了一个以CPLD为控制单元的黑白全电视信号采集系统。
- Through the analog circuit to extract the brightness's highfrequency components from composite video signal. 模拟电路用来提取复合视频信号中反映图像清晰的量,即亮度信号的高频分量。
- The NTSC standard for television defines a composite video signal with a refresh rate of60 half-frames( interlaced) per second. NTSC电视标准定义的复合信号每秒钟刷新60次,每次刷新半个画面。
- This paper introduces and approach of measuring CRT resolution,as well as MTF composite video signal generator according to this approach in order to measure CRT resolution. 主要介绍一种测量CRT分辨率的一种方案,以及据此研制出来的MTF全电视信号发生器,用以测试CRT的分辨率。
- There is no video signal. 没有视频信号。
- DSP card is used for video signal sampling and image data processing. DSP高速数字信号处理板做从机,主要负责图像信号的实时采集和图像数据的实时处理。
- Is there any delay between receiving the audio signal and the video signal? 接收声音信号和可视信号之间是否有时间间隔?
- The composite colour television system mainly used in the USA and Japan. It was defined by the NTSC (US National Television Systems Committee). It has 525 lines, interlaced at 60 Hz. 这个综合性彩色电视系统主要在美国和日本使用。它由NTSC(美国国家电视系统委员会)界定。它包括525条线路,并以60赫兹的频率相交。
- The paper centers on colours andcolouring,lists some pigments proportioning for composite colour paint. 重点介绍了颜色和配色,并列举了复色漆的一些颜料配比。
- This paper introduces the design of a video sync separator chip for composite video signals processing. 本文设计了一款针对复合视频信号的视频同步分离芯片。
- Abstract]: Auto tracking( ATR) is the key technique for VCR to ensure the quality of the replayed video signal. 自动磁迹跟踪是保证录像机重放图像质量的关键技术之一。
- In key effects, the video signal which fills the hole cut in the background video. 在键效果中,在背景图像中填充进切割空洞的视频信号。
- Applicable to transmission of various video signal in close circuit TV monitoring system and sound engineering. 适用于在各类闭路电视监控系统、音响工程中传输视频信号。
- No, by merely using a video distribution system, one can bring the existing video signal to our analysers. 答:不用。只需使用一个视频分配系统,就可以轻松地将现有的视频信号送给我们的分析系统。
- The video signal is directed to the CRT through a sound trap which eliminates the sound-carrier frequency. 视频信号通过声音陷波电路,消除声音载波频率,直达CRT。
- The course of development of EPDM composite coloured shingle is described with focus on its main materials and self-stick layer. 本文介绍了EPDM复合彩瓦的研制过程,并对其中的主体材料和自粘层作了详细的论述。
- Auto tracking (ATR) is the key technique for VCR to ensure the quality of the replayed video signal. 自动磁迹跟踪是保证录像机重放图像质量的关键技术之一。
- The Application of Adjusting White Balance of Colour Video Cameras 彩色摄象机白平衡调整技术的应用
- Then select cam2 signal and identify which type of video signal is coming from the camera. 然后,选择Cam2信号,并查明从摄像机里发出的是何种视频信号。
- In television, a short duration variation in the luminance following a step change in the video signal. 电视技术中,电视信号在出现一个阶跃变化后引起亮度的短时间闪烁。